Immersive Brand Experience Created in Big Box Retailer
Adidas and Dick’s Sporting Goods approached The Bernard Group to reinvent their central footwear space. The new space needed to stand out as a distinct and energizing Adidas destination, while giving the retailer the opportunity for exclusive products.
Design. Engineering. Prototyping. Print. Fixture Manufacturing. Installation. -
Number of Stores
The Challenge
To make the project a success we needed to navigate the needs of both clients, providing Adidas with a design that would be a reflection of their own branded stores, while maintaining Dick’s Sporting Goods store guidelines. Most importantly, we had to recreate a space where customers would stop and linger to enjoy the store-within-a-store experience, and that would last for two years plus. All on budget, and within an aggressive timeline for a six-store test program.
The Solution
Working closely with Adidas and Dick’s, we decided to leverage existing fixtures by cladding them to fit the new design, saving both time and cost. We also created new fixtures — including acrylic cases displaying footwear on shelves that seemed to be floating using sleek lines juxtaposed with edgy, industrial touches inspired by classic sports stadiums. Mountable vinyl was printed and attached to existing mirrors using magnetic strips, further reducing cost and installation time. Prototypes were designed to strike a balance of aesthetics and operational excellence, and manufactured for the pilot in three and a half weeks.

After the successful test installation, we provided nationwide delivery, coordination, merchandising, and management for a 240 store rollout with 11 unique floor plans in 6 weeks. The beautiful, durable displays gave Dick’s Sporting Goods additional new and exclusive product, while Adidas gained an elevated, expanded presence.